Often communicated by a trusted source, it’s easy to believe in the healing powers of home remedies. However, it can be difficult to differentiate a successful home remedy from an old wives’ tale. To clear up the confusion, Dr. Oz took some remedies YOU swear by and put them to the test!
Pepto Bismol Facial
Method: Apply Pepto Bismol to face. Leave on for 10 minutes and peel off.
Verdict: It works! When applied to the skin, Pepto Bismol does the same thing it does to your stomach: It soothes and coats it. While it is an off-label use of this product, the aspirin and bismuth sub-salicylate contained in this classic pink medicine transforms dull skin and cleans out pores, giving you a healthy glow.
Gin Soaked Raisins for Arthritis
Method: Put raisins in a bowl and pour in enough gin to cover the raisins. Allow the gin to evaporate, which should take about 1 week. Place the moist raisins in a sealed jar and eat about 9 a day. Or order the upgraded DrunkenRaisins, which come to you ready to eat.
Verdict: It works! Drinking alcohol has been shown to cut the risks of developing rheumatoid arthritis in half. Gin is flavored by the juniper berry, which contains anti-inflammatory properties. Raisins contain ferulic acid, gentisic acid and salicylic acid – all natural pain relievers. The DrunkenRaisin has additional juniper berry and turmeric along with honey and cinnamon, all of which enhance the effectiveness of the recipe at little additional cost.
Sweet Almond Oil and Sugar to Cure Chapped Lips
Method: Mix 100% pure sweet almond oil with sugar to create a paste. Dip toothbrush in mixture and scrub lips.
Verdict: It works! The sweet almond oil helps to moisturize your lips while the sugar gently exfoliates away dead tissue. Be careful not to scrub too hard to avoid doing harm to your lips.
Manuka Honey to Soften Fine Lines and Wrinkles
Method: Apply manuka honey directly to trouble spots. Leave on for 10 to 20 minutes and then rinse away.
Verdict: It works! Thanks to its healing powers, this potent honey is used in hospitals to treat wounds. It costs about $15 in health food stores. Whatever’s left over can be eaten, because it tastes delicious, too!
Chopped Garlic and Honey/Turmeric Powder and Milk for Joint Pain
Method: For the first step, chop garlic and add to 1 tablespoon of honey. For the second step, add 1 teaspoon turmeric powder to a half a glass of warm milk. Swallow the honey-garlic mixture and chase it with the milk mixture.
Verdict: It works! Inflammation is a major cause of joint pain. Garlic, honey, turmeric and milk all have anti-inflammatory properties. Mixing turmeric into warm milk (instead of water) makes it easier to drink.
Lemon Slices for Constipation
Method: Cut a lemon into pieces and then eat it.
Verdict: It works! Raw lemon is high in vitamin C, and in high doses, vitamin C can cause diarrhea.